In partnership with GAiN Australia and Cru Cambodia, GAiN Ph flew west to conduct medical outreaches in Cambodia from October 13 to 25, 2024. Our team started with five Australians and five Filipinos.

The first week’s target was the Svay Rieng area in Prey Veng province.

Bringing with us an authorization letter obtained from local authorities and working closely with the police department, we reached and treated the poor, whose majority were elderly folk.

On the first day of operations, October 15, our team of 10 and local volunteers ventured to the Tbeng village in the Mesang District. We served 111 patients and 50 children. On October 16, the same team continued to the Prey Totoeng village of the same district. We were able to serve 171 people. The following day, we went on to the Kompong Trobek District. At the Ro Lous village, we helped 126 individuals.

The following are other areas we reached out to and the number of people we served:
Chrey Village, Kompong Trobek District (Oct. 18, day four of operations) 158 villagers served.
Rohalsuong Village, Battambang Province (Oct. 21, day five of operations) 77 villagers served.
Bak Amrek, Battambang Province (Oct. 22, day six of operations) 100 villagers served.
Doun Ent, Battambang Province (Oct. 23, day seven of operations) 101 villagers served.
We were able to reach out and help a total of 894 people in our visit through the medical outreaches!
If it were not for the hardworking local volunteers from Cru Cambodia, our international team would have been at a loss. They served as doctors’ assistants, translators, and even the recruiters of student volunteers from the local universities, a number of them medical students.

Our dedicated team of medical professionals and staff did fulfilling work. Albeit, physically and mentally taxing, GAiN’s mission of revealing hope and restoring life, especially to the poor, had fueled their bodies and spirits to service.

Needless to say, we would have not been able to do all this without our partners, those called to do something to help uplift poor communities. If this resonates with you, by giving and/or volunteer work, you can also join our endeavor.
We desire to continue empowering communities and expanding our reach to aid Filipinos and also those of other nations.
Click here to get involved.
Board Members:
Rodolfo Santos
Efigenio Fermin Jr.
Wendell Asuncion
Reulin Galan
Christopher Uy
Registration #: DSWD-SB-R-00055-2023
License #: DSWD-SB-L-00081-2023
Solicitation Permit No.: DSWD-SB-SP-00051-2024
Validity: 10/3/2024 to 10/2/2025
Coverage: National
BIR Authorized to Issue Receipt